Hello friends!
It’s hard to believe it is almost March, but when I see the trees coming back to life and pollen on the cars, I know it is true. There’s lots of news, so bear with me…
Please join us this month on March 2 and March 16 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at St. Stephen Lutheran Church (2198 North Meridian Road). Bring your lunch and enjoy Show-N-Tell around noon. To borrow a phrase from Jeanne, “Come when you can…leave when you need to.”
Starting on March 2 we’ll be working to construct a lap quilt for a graduating high school senior from St. Stephen. We offered to make a special quilt when they have a need, and we’re so happy to provide it! Christy has a nice pattern and cut out the blocks from batik fabrics. We’d love for everyone to work together on this as we show our appreciation to the church.
On other fronts, several of us are getting serious about dealing with the scraps by cutting them into units we can easily use. It’s a crazy project, but we’re already seeing the benefit. Others evaluated our batting stores and organized them for future projects. Our closet is becoming neater by the meeting. Yay!
As always during our meetings, if you prefer to pursue your own project, that’s wonderful too.
***Shout out to Michelle and Drew Hackmeyer for picking up the old shelves at Hope Community and delivering them for donation. We appreciate it so much!! ***
And finally, here’s a good, short video of how to prepare your quilts for the longarm: https://www.instagram.com/matantequilting/reel/C30HV5vrQl2/. We appreciate those who spend hours and hours on these machines to deliver a quilted blanket, so take a minute to review it so that your quilts are ready. Thank you!
See y’all soon,
Sandra and her Sewing Sisters